02 February 2010


phones off / club song plays / our tears again #haiku
4 Russell (1989-2010)


  1. hi harps, a very personal haiga this time

  2. The end of January trees and the beginning of your crude sensual words :)

  3. yep, back to words and often the personal - more of that latter in the month, in crude and sensual words, but sometimes visually (hopefully) stunning too. After a break, some new directions.

    The teddy bear et al was photoed behind the chaple at the memorial park after Russell's service. He was a bit old for bears, but he was like a big teddy bear himeself.

    Btw, can anyone else see the eye in the teddy's angel wings?

  4. didn't notice, I do know...reason I didn't is because the teddy's paw had me pause lol


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