18 November 2009


trees arc / over road - / wipers off #haiku


  1. I love this, trees arch over and protect you from the rain...another beautiful photo that could have been;)

  2. I'm letting the words paint the pictures at the moment and I'm enjoying that.

    Thanks for getting it to. I had to explain this to someone the other day. With haiku, less with more; leave it to the reader to complete the picture.

    Btw, sorry for not commenting on your blogs recently, but I've got this and Frankston Blogs running and that's taking a fair bit of energy.

  3. No worries about commenting, I like your stuff, I visit for me, not to get you to visit me...visit when you can...enjoy the Frankston Blogs :)

  4. oh in passing I just got this e-mail about the way to see through heavy rainfall when whipers seemly don't do the trick, apparently sunglasses allow you to see perfectly...I'll try it next time and report...:)

  5. This reminds me of travelling to places when I was little, low in the backseat of my Dad's car. Hearing the rain on the roof rather than seeing it, and hearing it stop as you pass under bridges and trees, and then start again.


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