27 November 2011


in the Japanese restaurant
with the wall-long mirror
she reads geometry with chop sticks


  1. Oh yes they do have the most beautiful letters :) I love this, I've missed you, now don't stop visiting me I'm lonely

  2. I do like this one too. It's unsually specific and detailed for me.

    Gigi is Swanston Street, Melbourne, is a family fave 4 Japanese and their strawberry ice blend is heaven in a tall glass.

    I shall leave comments on your blogs, L whenever I have something unusual and suprising or controversial to say!

  3. you know preparing your comments before you see what you comment on, well it's a lie

  4. Preparing comments before hand, not necessarilly a lie, but bow you've given me the idea, it could be a fun arty game. Now, if I had something like Oblique Strategies cards I could randomly pick responses...

  5. Hey there are spiritual cards, that would be neat or you know silly feek good cards, I hate those


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