31 May 2017


artist's statement: abacus heights

As I worked on May's collages I realised that I was seeing city nightscapes; some are familiar, some historical and others imaginary. Bridges, lights and river reflections, skyscrapers and cranes and illuminated branding. Also the political, financial, mathematical, engineering and scientific infrastructure that breaths life into the phallic dreams of developers. Things that many of us, myself included, don't understand but which we collectively experience.

That I was spending a lot of my collaging time listening to broadcasters, journalists and commentators discuss the internecine intrigues surrounding a certain American property developer may have something to do with it.


odd words /
those with /
definitions /

#haiku #senryu #micropoetry #3lines #5words

16 May 2017


hot shower /
fog /
a summer song /

- #haiku #senryu #micropoetry #3lines #6words